Why should I use Hydrosol System to passivate food and beverage equipment?
Food and beverage processing equipment requires extra caution when it comes to sanitization. Stainless steel surfaces of this equipment make it a prime target for rust and corrosion to occur. A natural oxide shield will resist corrosion on stainless steel, but over time that layer weakens and breaks down. To strengthen the oxide layer and help resist future rust and corrosion it is important to passivate your equipment routinely.
The condition of your stainless steel equipment must meet cleanliness standards in line with food grade requirements set by various organizations. It is important to passivate your equipment to prevent corrosion and rust that may compromise this environment and protect against dangerous contamination and materials entering the final product. Due to the nature of food grade equipment it is very important to professionally passivate your equipment after initial installation prior to use.
Restoring your passive oxide layer to stainless steel equipment will help avoid costly repairs and down time. Some benefits of passivating your food and beverage equipment are increased safety of production, lower repairs and maintenance costs and ensuring your product is safe and free of contamination and foreign materials.
Hydrosol System has been professionally passivating food and beverage equipment for over 70 years. As an industry leader our experienced engineers and technicians are knowledgeable and attentive to your specific needs. Please contact us today for a free quote.