Why should I use Hydrosol System to passivate my auto clave?
Auto claves and steam sterilizers accumulate a burnt residue throughout the chamber over time. The residue film is unsanitary and leads to pre-mature corrosion. The main causes of corrosion are chlorides, sulfates, chlorine, hypochlorites, bleach, and acids the will aggressively attack stainless steel and can cause significant damage to the auto clave chamber and plumbing. Hydrosol’s passivation procedures will make the surface of your auto clave or steam sterilizer more corrosive resistant by restoring the oxide layer or protection.
How can Hydrosol help?
Hydrosol crews will mobilize high purity cleaning equipment to our facility. A two step gel cleaning solution will be applied to the auto clave or steam sterilizer. The residue is dissolved leaving the auto clave or steam sterilizer visually appealing and sanitary. This will ensure your equipment is operating at peak performance and cleanliness.
How often should I clean my auto clave?
Hydrosol recommends annual cleaning of your auto clave or steam sterilizer to ensure your equipment is running efficiently and according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Routine preventative maintenance performed by our trained, experienced technicians will give your equipment maximum performance and give you peace of mind knowing your auto clave or steam sterilizer is well maintained.